UNBELIEVABLE!! Man transforms into Snake, attempts to swallow a young girl in Ngousso, Yaounde
An unbelievable incident occurred in the Ngousso neighborhood of Yaounde on May 10th, as a 16-year-old girl was saved from being swallowed by a man who had transformed into a snake.
According to multiple eyewitnesses, an unidentified man allegedly picked up the girl while she was hitchhiking and parked the car near the road. He then transformed into a snake and attempted to swallow her. A passing bike rider who had been observing from a distance discovered what was happening and alerted other bike riders and passersby, who immediately came to help save the girl’s life. Eyewitnesses report that the bike riders broke the car window with sticks and started hitting the man, forcing him to spit the girl out.
After spitting the girl out, the man transformed back to his normal self. The crowd then attempted to administer mob justice on the man, but he was saved by the arrival of the forces of law and order. The young girl was taken to the General Hospital in Yaoundé for medical attention.
Images of the man and the young girl have not been released to the public yet, but the story has been confirmed by multiple witnesses.